Thursday, December 17, 2009

Recycling Helps the World
Recycling is one of many ways to sustain our environment.
Recycling is the process of restoring materials that would otherwise become waste and turning them into valuable reusable resources. Collecting used bottles, cans, and newspapers then taking them to a collection facility is just the first in many steps to saving the world. Recycling improves the world and prevents the destruction of natural resources. For most people recycling is not in their daily agenda. Maybe they don’t believe it is important but it is. According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) an estimated 77% percent of people in the United States recycle, that is not a bad percentage but it could be increased if we all try to make a difference. Several current problems could have been avoided by using recyclable material, the Pacific Trash Vortex, Global Warming, dwindling natural resources, and so on.
South East High School freshman Andres Paniagua said,” I don’t recycle; I think it is not that important, the world is already messed up.” If several people shared his thoughts our planet would soon be coming to it’s end. An anonymous source from the Huntington Park recycling center said, “I am appalled by the amount of people that don’t come down here. The people you see here are mainly the ones struggling to get by, or who are homeless, I mean you get money. Money! But still people are too lazy to recycle.” So far not too many people care about recycling in the community even though there are countless ways of doing it.

There are various benefits from recycling. According to Greenpeace “recycling protects and expands the U.S. manufacturing jobs and increases the U.S. competitiveness.” Greenpeace furthermore said, “recycling reduces the need for land filling and incineration. Also preventing pollution caused by the manufacturing of products from virgin materials, and saves energy. It decreases emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change. It also conserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals, and helps sustain the environment for future generations.” Elizabeth Robles, a senior at SEHS, says, “If our environment keeps going the way it is, future generations will not be allowed to step outside their homes without wearing protective masks.” Robles also believes that as a school we should together strive toward creating a more eco-friendly school environment.

The first thing that happens when an item is recycled is that it is sent to a recovery facility to be sorted and prepared for manufacturing. Once cleaned, separated, and renewed the recyclables are ready to undergo the final recycling process, purchasing recycled products. Alex Ramirez, a freshman at SEHS, said,” Buying things that have been recycled is cool because I’m helping the environment that I’m living in.” It is good to acknowledge that there are still people in our community that care. According to the EPA, “with pollution rates continuing to rise and people not caring about the world, we seem to be on a path leading to destruction. The future does not seem too bright for upcoming generation of kids and adolescents

1 comment:

  1. Having to recycle materials is a good way to give something back to mother earth; since, of course, she has provided us with so much nourishment and nutrients. It is our duty to stand up for what can not speak, but what can feel and effect us in the future. Some people don't take the time to just throw a plastic bottle in the recycling bin, which in the long run accumulates into a big epidemic. As as Al Gore once said, "If we keep on persisting in this motion, the world will soon come to an end." Making us realize what we have been advocating about the earth in harmful terms. It may be the greatest awareness that we have had. But, think about this, do you think that it's fair to be taxed by breathing out co2? Because after all, Al Gore did say that the green house gases come from the carbon dioxide that we have produced.
