Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Halo Reach
Will this game be a success or will players reach for another game?

Bungie has done a great job of making fans salivate over Halo: Reach by keeping most the aspects of the game under wraps. Halo the Series continues first Halo, Halo 2, Halo3, Halo wars, Halo Odst, and on September 1st 2010 Halo Reach. Reach is the prequel to the Halo series following the Spartan soldiers, codenamed Noble Team, as they traverse the world of Reach before it is destroyed. Given that the levels will show reach being destroyed in a progressing manner. South East High School Freshman Alex Ramirez Said “this Game looks freaking incredible and every one says its going to be better than all the rest” The game is purported to be darker than the previous Halo games.
The Game play has definitely changed, as said by Game Informer “The biggest difference in game play is Bungie’s use of an overhauled graphics engine. As we saw in the in-game trailer, Reach will show a massive improvement over the graphics in Halo 3 and ODST. Reach has outsourced facial animations to Image Metrics, who have worked on titles such as Assassin’s Creed 2 and Gears of War 2.”Besides better graphics the game will have much more combat, previously, only 20 AI (artificial intelligence) characters could be on the screen at a time, but with the new engine, over 40 AI and 20 vehicles can be present! Cut-scenes have been improved as well, and are going to be more cinematic. Co-operative campaigns, split screening, theater, and Forge all make a triumphant return in Reach.
Reach introduces a group of brand new characters, starting with the Noble Team, comprised of 5 Spartan III’s, and 1 Spartan II. Carter, Kat, Emile (He has the skull helmet in the trailer), Jun (the sniper), and Lone Wolf are the Spartan III’s (with Carter and Kat being the only original members of NT), and Jorge is a Spartan II. Marines similar to those in Halo 1 will be in this game, and it is possible that Human Insurrectionists will make an appearance. Also the covenant is back, and deadlier than ever. The grunts look considerably more threatening but will most likely continue to be pushovers. Elites make a return in Reach as well: they seem slightly taller and they stand up straight no longer hunched over. Ign said, “Jackals seem to have been replaced with “Skirmishers,” an enemy who attacks in packs like wolves and flank secure positions.
There are a few exciting changes and additions to the weapons available in Reach. As stated in the halo reach forum by Halo fan “The sniper, assault rifle, and magnum will be returning, but it seems the battle-rifle will be replaced with a single shot rifle dubbed the “Designated Marksman Rifle.” It’s possible they removed the BR due to its inaccurate spread, but we can’t be certain” As stated in the halo forum “Due to inconsistencies in the game physics of spike and flame grenades, both have been removed. This leaves only frag and plasma grenades.” SEHS Freshman Hector Cruz said “Halo is an awesome game I love it and I cant wait till Halo reach comes out because it sounds crazy an I really want to get it.”
Endure this journey with Noble Team as they traverse the world of Reach before it is destroyed. Reach has better graphics, more combat, and more opponents. Brand new set of characters and the covenant have returned. Reach has all new weapons, some old ones, and the removal of some weapons. People already cannot wait for this game. Soon to come Halo Reach premiers Sept. 1st 2010.